The holiday season is the best time of year. Whether you’re decorating or gathering or just accumulating the stuff that comes along with the season, your floors go through a lot during the three month span of the holidays. We’re going to cover how to protect your floors pre-season and during the season,and clean it after the season has passed. Depending on your floor type, you may need different care tips. For more direct tips, be sure to search your particular flooring types and read up on our tips for them under flooring 101. This post will be a general guide to protecting your floor before, during, and after the holiday season.

First, we’ll talk about preventative measures for damage to your floors. As you know, carpets are susceptible to stains fairly easy and hardwood floors are very likely to get scuffed or scratched with the movement of decorations during the festivities. Your home may be the central hub for your family gatherings, so you’ll want it in tip top shape for it. You should invest in floors that are durable and resistant to every day damages. For example, Mohawk Industries has stain resistant carpet options that will survive all the punch spills, eggnogs knockovers, and midnight countdown cheer spills. If you’ve opted for a hardwood, laminate, or other hard flooring you’re more likely to be worried about scuffs cause by the installation and breakdown of your holiday decor. For that, we have a wide selection of scratch resistant floors that can handle your every day scratches from kids toys, high heels, and your dining room chairs to the more intensive scratches incurred from installing your halloween decor or your christmas tree. You can also invest in temporary solutions like rubber furniture caps that prevent the metal and wood from touching the floor.

During the season, all of the hustle and bustle is a lot to take in on its own, and when you’re also trying to keep it clean and ready for the next gathering. Keep your floors clean with proper cleaning procedures and avoid using harsh chemicals too frequently. While moving your decorations and replacing them with seasonally appropriate ones, you should also focus on keep the sharp edges and the parts that will touch your floors. Make sure that you have protective coverings on your carpet to prevent snagging and on your hardwoods to prevent unsightly scratches and scuffing. You should also replace missing or broken furniture toppers as soon as possible to keep the functionality.

After the season is over, you’re going to want to declutter all of the stuff that’s accumulated over the past few months. Once you’ve stored away your decorations, you may notice some stains, snags, scuffs, or scratches on your home’s floors. While you’ve been lightly cleaning between your festivities, now is the time to do a deep clean of your floors, particularly your carpets. After the deep clean, treat your floors with anti-scuff, anti-statin formulas in order to start your prepping for the next set of holiday get togethers.

Ready to get new floors to shine for your holiday season? Reach out today for a free consultation.