Floors after Storms


There’s nothing like a storm to make life a little more interesting. For some, it can be just an annoyance. But for others, storms can cause major damage to their homes and businesses. One of the most vulnerable areas of your home is likely your floors. When you’re trying to clean up after a storm, remember these tips:

Clean and Disinfected

In order to get your floor back to looking good, you’ll want to clean it. Remove all debris–such as leaves and twigs–from your floor. Spray a disinfectant onto the leaves and then place them in a plastic bag for disposal outside the home. You may also want to wash down any mold that might be growing on any walls or ceilings with bleach or another cleaning product of choice.

After you have removed all debris from your floors, make sure you dry them thoroughly before replacing furniture and decor items.


A dehumidifier is also a good way to keep your floors dry. This is not a substitute for proper drainage, but it can be used in conjunction with other methods. Make sure you’re aware of the amount of water a dehumidifier will remove from the air per day and how much it weighs when full before purchasing one, as they can be heavy when filled up.

New Flooring

Once you’ve made sure your floor is in good shape, it’s time to start thinking about new flooring. If you have wood floors that are damaged, they should be replaced immediately. You should also replace any area rugs or carpeting that has mold or mildew due to water damage.

If you’re replacing your flooring because of flood damage and want to put down laminate, consider covering the surface with plywood first—then install the laminate overtop of it when all is dry again. This ensures that there won’t be any moisture between layers of laminate and makes for easier cleanup later on down the line if something happens again (like flooding).

Floors are vulnerable in many ways after storms, so it’s important to know what to do about it.

Floors are vulnerable in many ways after storms. Floors can be vulnerable to flooding, mold, and mildew. Floors can also be vulnerable to wind damage. In addition, floors are vulnerable to water damage and fire damage.


We hope that this information has been helpful to you in your decision-making process, and we wish you all the best on your journey to creating a beautiful new floor.