


Waterproof Flooring for Spring and Summer

Introduction It's spring, and you're ready to welcome in the warm weather by installing a new waterproof flooring in your home. But how do you decide which type of flooring is right for you? Well, there are many advantages to going with a waterproof option. It offers durability, ease of cleaning and comfort that traditional carpet or wood floors can't match. In this article we'll discuss some of what makes…

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Spring Cleaning for Floors

Introduction Spring is here, and it's time to spring-clean. But wait! You're not just cleaning your home—you can also do a little spring-cleaning with your floors. Here are some tips for tackling your floors in the new season: Sweep and mop. Sweep and mop. Sweep floors to remove dirt, dust, and other debris. Use a broom or vacuum cleaner attachment with your mop head so you don't have to move…

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Prepare Your Floors for Family During the Holidays

Introduction Just like it's the most wonderful time of year for your heart, it can also be the most wonderful time of year for your floors. If you're looking to protect them during this festive season, here are some tips: Add extra rugs at entrances, especially if the weather is wet or snowy. If you live in a cold climate, or if your home is located near a lot of…

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Floors & Family during the Holidays

Introduction This is the most wonderful time of the year! You might be thinking, "You've got that right!" However, if you're like most of us, you're also thinking "Where is all this extra traffic going to go?" or "What can I do to prevent my floors from getting ruined?" Here are some quick tips and tricks for preparing your home for holiday traffic. The Holiday Season Means More People in…

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Get Your Floors Ready for the Family

Introduction The holiday season is upon us! If you're like me, this means that your home will be filled with guests and other people visiting from out of town. This can mean a lot of foot traffic throughout the house, which can lead to scratches and scuffs on your floors. In this blog post we'll go over some ways to protect your flooring during the holidays so that it stays…

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Holiday Foot Traffic & Your Floors

Introduction The holidays are a wonderful, busy season. The excitement of friends and family visiting, presents to wrap and unwrap, cards to send...it can be a lot to handle! But there's one thing you don't want your guests to do while they're here: ruin your floors. While it's impossible to keep all stains off your floors 100% of the time (especially during this time of year), there are steps you…

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Floors for Storms & Flood Areas

Best Floors for Flood Areas Introduction It's important to think about the type of flooring you install in your home. In particular, if you live in an area that is prone to flooding, you want to make sure that your flooring is durable enough to withstand damage. Here are some tips on what types of floors can work well in flood-prone areas. Vinyl If you're looking for a flooring option…

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Your Floors after the Storm

Floors after Storms Introduction There's nothing like a storm to make life a little more interesting. For some, it can be just an annoyance. But for others, storms can cause major damage to their homes and businesses. One of the most vulnerable areas of your home is likely your floors. When you're trying to clean up after a storm, remember these tips: Clean and Disinfected In order to get your…

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Bathroom Remodeling 101

Introduction Bathrooms are one of the most personal and important rooms in a home. They can be more complicated to remodel than other parts of the house, but they're also one of the best ways to add value to your home (and your life). First thing's first: take stock of what you have Before you can start shopping for new bathroom fixtures, it's important to take stock of what you…

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Best Flooring Options for the Nursery or Children’s Playrooms

Introduction As a parent, you have a lot on your plate. Your baby needs diapers, clothes and toys. You need to take care of yourself and your spouse too! And then there's the housework—you have to maintain it so that it doesn't become overwhelming. We're not saying all this to guilt trip you (though we totally are). But rather that if something like flooring can simplify life even just a…

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