
This is the most wonderful time of the year! You might be thinking, “You’ve got that right!” However, if you’re like most of us, you’re also thinking “Where is all this extra traffic going to go?” or “What can I do to prevent my floors from getting ruined?” Here are some quick tips and tricks for preparing your home for holiday traffic.

The Holiday Season Means More People in Your Home

The holiday season is a busy time of year. We spend more time with family and friends, which means more wear and tear on our floors. It’s important to be prepared for this extra traffic by keeping your floors clean and free of dirt, grime, and other contaminants that can affect their appearance.

Your dream home deserves clean floors!

Keep Your Floors Fresh with these Holiday Flooring Hacks

  • Use a damp mop to clean up spills.
  • Sweep or vacuum regularly. Dust and dirt on your floors can get kicked up and tracked into the house, so keep your floors clean by sweeping or vacuuming them at least once a week.
  • Use a dry mop to clean up dry spills (and avoid tracking dirt in). If you have hardwood floors, it’s best to sweep or vacuum first so all of the loose stuff is gone before mopping with water and soap—a wet mop will only push dirt around, which defeats the purpose of having such beautiful, durable surfaces in your home!
  • Use a wet mop for wet spills (and avoid tracking dirt in). If you have tile or linoleum flooring that doesn’t repel liquids well, use a damp cloth instead to wipe up any spills immediately after they happen (but don’t forget about them!)

Holiday Flooring Tips and Tricks

When it comes to your flooring, there are a few things you can do that will make the holidays a little easier. One of the best ways to protect your floors is by using drop cloths. Drop cloths are cheap and easy to use; they’re just sheets of plastic that you lay down on the floor before painting or doing any other messy project in your home. That way, if any drips or spills happen, they won’t ruin your hardwood flooring! If you have kids like me who love playing with Play-Doh (I know I did), then having a paper towel handy at all times might be helpful too—you’ll never know when someone might accidentally drop food onto the carpet! For smaller messes like this one, dampen the paper towels with water so they’re not dry anymore; then dab them onto whatever small spill is causing trouble for you!

If something has spilled on your wood floors but isn’t too big of an issue (like water), don’t worry about moving furniture around: simply grab a mop and get cleaning! Of course this method only works if there aren’t too many stains from food being dropped onto the ground because those can take more time than expected depending on what types of materials were used inside them originally (for example). In cases where stains exist though—or even just general dirtiness due again mostly towards children who love exploring outside but also indoors as well–it’s always good practice before starting anything else first thing every morning after waking up so everyone else gets ready quickly afterwards without worrying about getting out early enough only later realizing nothing else needs done except cleaning

Cleaning up Spills

  • Shop vacuum. This can be a lifesaver for cleaning up spills in your kitchen and other high-traffic areas. It may take some time to get used to, but once you do, you’ll be grateful for it!
  • Brush and sponge. These are great for quickly cleaning up spills on hardwood or tile floors; they’re especially good at picking up small pieces of food that fall onto a floor after being dropped in the kitchen or dining room. If using these tools doesn’t seem like an option right now (for example if your children are still too young), I recommend using towels instead—they absorb liquid just as well as sponges do!

The holiday season is here and you are bound to experience more people within your home than any other time of year. You can rest assured that your floors are safe from the holiday traffic with these simple hacks.

Your floors are bound to be trampled on by all sorts of family members and friends during the holiday season. Holiday traffic is different from regular traffic and it can wreak havoc on your floors. But don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with these simple tips.

  • Prepare ahead of time: You should always prepare before having a large group over for a get together, but even more so during the holiday season since your guests will most likely be coming in from outside where there is snow and slush on their shoes (or sandals). Make sure you have enough rags available for everyone to wipe off their shoes before entering your home, as well as set out a bucket or some type of container near the front door so people know where they need to put their dirty shoes when taking them off at the door. This will help ensure that your floors stay nice and clean throughout your party without having any splotchy areas caused by wet shoes tracking mud into other parts of your house.
  • Use waterproof flooring: If possible, install waterproof flooring around entrances like doors where people come in with wet or snowy footwear (or flip flops). This way if someone gets water on their soles while moving through an open area such as a kitchen where there isn’t much traffic yet but may soon become busy later on as more people arrive – then this water won’t transfer onto your hardwood flooring or carpets later on down stream once those areas become occupied too!

Floors vs. Family

When it comes to family, you want them gathered as close as possible. However, this can also cause some issues with your floors. Holiday traffic is a lot of people in one place. That can be a lot of wear and tear on your floors. If you’re hosting the holidays at home, make sure you give yourself plenty of time (and money) to repair any damage that might occur on your beautiful hardwood or tile flooring during this busy time of year!

Preparing Floors for Holiday Traffic

  • Before the holidays, it’s essential to clean your floors. Hardwood floors can be damaged by moisture and high traffic, so it’s important to use a floor cleaner that is safe for hardwood. To prevent scratches and scuffs, use a vacuum with a soft brush attachment or microfiber cloth to buff up any scratches in your flooring.
  • Maintain a regular cleaning schedule throughout the year so that when guests arrive during the holidays you won’t have any surprises on your hands!

Tips to Protect Your Floors During the Holidays

#. Use plastic tablecloths or runners on your furniture and appliances to protect your floors from spills and liquid damage.

#. Place a rug underneath any coffee tables or other furniture that could be easily moved into the floor space, such as entertainment centers or sofa tables. This will help to prevent scratching from dragging across the flooring surface when it’s moved around during clean-up time post-holiday breakfasts and dinner parties.”

#. Use non-slip mats under larger items like televisions or speakers, particularly if there are pets who might jump up on them and cause damage to the electronics inside them.”

Be prepared ahead of time to lessen the wear and tear on your home’s flooring during the holiday season.

While the holidays can be a joyful time for many, they can also be a stressful time for homeowners. The hustle and bustle of guests coming in and out of your home can take a toll on your flooring. To ensure that your floors stay clean throughout the season, be sure to:

  • Clean thoroughly before people start arriving at your house. This will help prevent dirt from being tracked onto the floor, which could cause damage over time if not cleaned up properly.
  • Use protective mats at entrances where there’s high traffic (like by front doors), as well as rugs or runners in high-traffic areas such as hallways and kitchens. This will help protect against scuff marks caused by shoes dragging across the surface of the flooring while also ensuring that spills are less likely to cause damage because they won’t soak into the rug or runner underneath them.* Have an action plan ready so you’re prepared for anything that may happen during these busy times!


If you’re looking for ways to protect your floors during the holiday season, then there are a few things that will help. First of all, make sure that there is plenty of space so that everyone can roam freely without getting in each other’s way. Secondly, be prepared ahead of time by laying out mats or rugs over areas with heavy foot traffic and cleaning up any spills right away before they leave stains on your flooring surface.