Floor Tips and Tricks for Plant Parents

Plants are basically low-maintenance pets. They don’t quite have the same attitude as cats, and they might not like belly rubs as much as your dog, but they can still be messy! And when it comes to plant-related messes, your floors will often take the brunt of it. Especially as more people are bringing in plants during the pandemic, it’s important to make sure you don’t negatively impact your flooring!

Make Your Plants and Floors Happy

When searching for the right pot for your plants, leafy friends thrive in un-glazed terracotta clay pots that are well-drained, which means the pots have a hole in the bottom. Next, you need to make sure your plant pot also has a saucer, so when you water your plant, any excess water gets caught by your saucer, not by your floor.

Despite best intentions, saucers often are still not enough. The same reason that plants like terracotta clay pots are the same reason they’re hazardous—these pots are porous. When water is poured into your plant pot and drained into the saucer, this porous material becomes wet and can leave water rings, which can potentially cause the rotting of wood floors. Plastic trays, small cork coasters, hanging plants, or lifted metal stands are great solutions to keep your floors dry and your plants happy in their preferred type of pot.

Moving Plants Is a Drag

Whether your floors are hardwood, tile, laminate, or carpet, you will want to avoid dragging your plants across your floors. This will help reduce scratches, scuffs, and stains. If you are looking to move a heavy plant, find a friend to help you lift it or a small wooden plant dolly, which are great solutions and a nice design element.

Overwatering Can Kill Plants and Floors

Despite best intentions, overwatering plants is easy to do and can result in water overflowing out of your saucer and onto the floor. Cleaning up the water right away is a solution to this problem, but so are waterproof floors. Sometimes even when you do your best to clean up plant messes, water can get stuck underneath cork coasters or plastic trays, creating those damaging watermarks. Waterproof flooring can handle excess plant water damage-free.

Plants Have Benefits Other Than Looking Cute

Although plants can be messy, they provide lots of benefits. They are great décor pieces that also bring natural life and happiness into your space. They can also help reduce stress, increase concentration, and improve the air quality in your home. When considering a pet, a pet plant is a great option.

You’re the Plant Expert, We’re the Flooring Experts

Whether you are looking for floors that go with your plant-loving décor or waterproof flooring that will help protect against your plant messes, Flooring America experts are here to help. Come into your local Flooring America today, and let the experts assist you in creating a space full of light and life for all your new plant friends.