
There are a lot of different flooring options out there, but not all of them are right for your living room. You want something that’s soft underfoot, stylish and functional — and that works with the other elements in your home. Below, we’ve rounded up some of the best options for different types of rooms, so you can pick the right one for your space!

Hardwood floor

Hardwood flooring is a great choice for high traffic areas. Because it’s durable, you don’t have to worry about it getting worn out or damaged by foot traffic. And because hardwood floors are so easy to clean and maintain, they’ll stay looking beautiful without a lot of work.

Hardwood floors also make an excellent choice for areas with high humidity or moisture levels. This is because the natural oils in hardwoods can help prevent dryness and cracking—and thanks to their durability, hardwoods will keep looking good even as they absorb moisture over time.

Bamboo flooring

Bamboo flooring is a great choice for the living room. It’s a renewable resource, very durable, and it has a natural feel to it. Bamboo floors are also popular with homeowners because they’re easy to install and maintain.

Bamboo is one of the most environmentally friendly materials on the market today. It’s not just sustainable—it actually helps clean up pollution! This type of wood has been planted in areas where there’s been deforestation, so that when those trees grow up, they can be harvested as bamboo instead of being cut down to make way for farmland or housing developments.


Carpet is a good option for your living room if you have kids and/or pets. It can be comfortable, it’s easy to clean and it’s affordable. The downside is that it may not last as long as other flooring types (particularly hardwood). This could be an issue if your family likes to host big holiday gatherings, but not everyone does!

Engineered wood floor

Engineered wood flooring is a popular choice for people who want the look of hardwood but don’t have the space or budget for it. Made from wood fibers and resins, engineered wood is incredibly durable and easy to install. It’s an excellent choice for high-traffic areas in your home.

#1: Engineered Wood Flooring Is Durable

For those who want to keep their floors looking great for years to come, engineered wood is an excellent choice. As one of the most durable types of flooring on the market today, engineered wood can withstand heavy foot traffic as well as pets and children—which means you won’t have to worry about replacing it anytime soon!

#2: It’s Easy To Install Engineered Wood Flooring

Engineered boards are designed with grooves that make them easier to cut during installation than solid planks (which have edges that typically need beveled). Because these grooves exist along each side of each plank, you’ll only have one edge per board (versus two edges per plank) that needs beveled before installing them—saving time during installation by eliminating this step altogether!

Ceramic tile flooring

Tile is a good option for the living room, but it’s not ideal in the kitchen. Ceramic tile has become popular because of its durability and ease of installation—but it’s more expensive than other flooring materials. Tile can be installed on a concrete slab or over a plywood subfloor (as long as there’s enough insulation under the subfloor to keep cold from seeping through). The downside? Tile can be slippery when wet and difficult to clean.

Stone flooring

Stone flooring is a great choice for a living room because it’s durable, easy to clean, and can be used to create any style you want.

Stone floors are durable and long-lasting. They can withstand heavy traffic as well as spills and other accidents that might happen in a living space. Stone floors are also excellent at retaining heat in cold weather and preventing it from getting too hot during warmer seasons. With the addition of an area rug or two, stone floors can look stylishly rustic or sleekly modern depending on your taste!

Wood and carpet are the best ideas for the living room.

In the living room, you should choose flooring that is both durable and comfortable. The more active your family is, the harder it will be to maintain a luxurious carpet. In this case, hardwood flooring may be the best choice.

Carpet offers many advantages—such as warmth and softness—but it’s not as easy to keep clean or as durable as hardwood floors or engineered wood floors. If you have children who play on their feet all day long, however, you’ll want a low pile carpet with stain-resistant fibers so that spills don’t become permanent stains on the rug.

Ceramic tile flooring can also be great for families with small children who are constantly tracking in dirt from outside; just make sure you stick with low-porosity ceramic tiles so that stains don’t penetrate through them easily (and remember: always test a piece of tile before installing it).


We hope this article has helped you decide what kind of flooring is best for your living room. If you have any questions, please contact us!